Bed Bug Professional Pest Control

Even though bed bugs have never been associated with transmitting or spreading disease in humans, the mention of them provokes panic for many Toronto residents.

How They Appear
Bed bugs can be found in beds, under wallpaper that is loose, behind picture frames and in the crevices between bureaus, headboards and nightstands. They’re usually transported from other areas that had been infested such as hotel rooms or when a person travels. However, most individuals do not realize that they have an infestation of these nasty creatures until itchy spots or welts appear on their skin. Of course, these type of spots could also appear after being bitten by fleas or mosquitoes, so a person must be able to properly identify these little rascals. Ask for help to

Bed Bug Identification
Bed bugs do not have wings, and adults range between 1/8 to a quarter inch in length. They have an elliptical shape and reddish-brown color that makes them appear similar to an apple seed that has been flattened. The surface of their bodies has a covering of short hairs that are gold in color, and the smaller, yellowish nymphs are similar to the size of a miniscule pin head but turn a reddish-purple after they have taken their fill of blood. The 1 mm size of the eggs created by these nocturnal insects is almost impossible to see which makes these little critters difficult to find and eradicate.

Tackling the Situation
If a person suspects that they have bed bugs, populations can be reduced by vacuuming around the crevices and cracks of bed frames, furniture and floor boards. It’s advisable to not use attachments that have bristles as they will only aid in the transportation of these pests. Heat from a clothing dryer will effectively kill any adults or eggs that are attached to bed linens are clothing, but these methods still may not be enough to achieve total elimination.

Professional Help
Fortunately, an infestation of bed bugs can be removed by contacting a pest control company. Professional pest control technicians use a few different methods to ensure that all stages of a bed bug infestation are eliminated. A steam process is used to destroy the eggs, nymphs and adult bed bugs. It involves taking a “dry” type of steam and applying it in areas where bed bugs are present. The other process uses high heat to eradicate the area, and it involves using special equipment that applies hot air ranging between 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

A person can beat the battle of bed bugs. Contact a professional if an infestation occurs.

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