High Tech to Build e-Cigarette

E-cigarettes are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to aid in smoking cessation in Canada. You’ve probably seen numerous e-cigarette shops pop up around your home town or even seen people out there vaping. They’ve become incredibly popular over just the last few years, and it’s easy to see why: they’re cheaper than normal cigarettes, smell better, are healthier in general, and are a lot of fun to use. In fact, some people enjoy e-cigarettes so much they make a hobby out of it.

There are a ton of e-cigarettes out there to choose from, so how do you know which ones are best. Wouldn’t it be easier to just order one of those no-hassle models that you see advertised on television? Those are the ones that look like normal cigarettes and are completely disposable. While it may seem tempting to go with one of these smaller “cig-a-likes”, it can actually be detrimental. These smaller versions don’t taste anywhere near as good and don’t give you that nicotine buzz like a standard build-it-yourself vape. So where do you begin?

Starting out and building a high tech e-cigarette
The idea of ‘building’ electronic cigarettes might seem scary at first, especially if you’ve never done anything like it before, but don’t fret; it’s an incredibly easy thing to do. Every major e-cigarette will have two components: the tank and the battery, and this is where we’ll begin

The tank
Generally speaking, an e-cigarette will use an electric current to ignite a solution of nicotine and flavoring in order to let you inhale the vapor and get a taste along with a nicotine buzz. The “tank” of an e-cig is the portion that holds the liquid and the piece that actually ‘ignites it’. Most of these are either clear or are full of a type of material that absorbs the liquid.

The Battery
The other major piece after the tank is the battery. This is usually the largest piece of an e-cigarette and what provides the electricity and ignites the juice. They come in a variety of different sizes that each hold different amounts of charge. In addition to that, many batteries will allow you to customize the voltage that comes through, which means you get a stronger or weaker vape with each pull.

Finding the right tank and the right battery for you will have a lot to do with personal preference above everything else, which means it’s good to get out there and try a few different options. Many of those little stores that you see pop up will be more than happy to help you when choosing if you let them know you’re a new user.

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