Since it is basically a modern version of letterpress printing, flexography is a traditional printing technique that can be applied to almost every type of substrate, which gives it an edge over other methods of printing. Except for those who have been part of the paper industry’s custom printing aspect for a long time, printing is a mystery to many people, specifically when it comes to the flexographic printing process. People usually seek out custom printing after developing an idea for their paper order, and bringing that vision to life is the printers’ responsibility. However, the person or company placing the order might not know the details involved in the flexographic printing process. Since information is key to making the right decision, here is an inside and deeper look at what goes on after you place your custom printing order. Below are three things you should know about flexographic printing. You may find more information at FlexStor if you need additional resources.
Contemporary flexographic printing machines can attain printing speeds of about 2,000 feet per minute without sacrificing the printing quality. While every single project is different and the order’s details usually impact how fast it can be completed, efficiency and speed are some of the main reasons flexographic printing works well for a variety of applications.Flexibility is at its core
This type of printing is actually flexible in several different ways such as:
• It can be utilized to print on a broad range of materials, including cardboard, paper, metallic foil, and other substrates.
• Because this type of printing is applied to paper rolls that could be slit and sheeted afterward depending on the job requirements, a variety of final product shapes and sizes are available.
• It offers countless color combinations through the multi-color printing feature.
It fits the budget
In comparison to some of the other printing options, flexographic printing has proven to be quite cost-effective in the long run due to the following qualities:
• The ink applied is designed to dry a lot faster, which reduces drying time and speeds up every print job.
• Each job is completed quicker due to the speed of the machines and relatively short set-up time.
• It enables smaller print jobs to run efficiently.
You probably know that time is money. As such, being able to provide a high-quality product in the least time possible translates to greater value for the investment. Having the opportunity to order small runs without wasting money also makes it possible for companies to experiment in an economical manner and maintain their agility when it comes to responding to the needs of their customers. Although there is a lot more to know about this type of printing, the three points mentioned above highlight what is exciting and unique about this particular print option. You may find more information at Flex Essentials if you need additional resources.